Kickboxing Club Cookstown

Places to go and see in the Cookstown area:

Kickboxing Club Cookstown

Kickboxing Club Cookstown

Cookstown Mugendo Karate Kickboxing Club

Located in the centre of Cookstown, Co-Tyrone The Dojo comprises of 8000 square feet dedicated to the training of Martial Arts and Boxing. The Dojo is a fully equipped Boxing and Martial arts gym.

Kickboxing Classes For Everyone
Are you looking for a martial arts school that caters for beginners, that puts your safety first and has a friendly atmosphere? If so we have classes that are suitable for you. Our range of regular kickboxing classes are fun to train in whilst developing fitness and self defence skills at the same time. 
We have a range of classes to suit the needs of most people from complete beginner to advanced martial artists.
Our Kickboxing Classes are listed Below:-
Adults Kickboxing Classes 
Junior Kickboxing Classes (5 to 14 Year old)
Mugendo Karate~Kickboxing syllabus
Circuit Training
All of our training is structured and we treat all our new students at a level that suits them. We allow you to train at your own pace with lots of encouragement. We know you will make rapid progress once training with Cookstown Mugendo regardless of your physique, natural ability, condition or experience.
Training, although serious, is conducted in a friendly atmosphere and all Instructors are very approachable.
Your Instructor is a highly qualified Black Belt, but we insist on more. All have nationally recognised IMAC coaching awards, highest level police checks for teaching with children (enhanced CRB), First Aid and high quality insurance.
Call 07956586100 for a free trial class today

Kickboxing Club Cookstown Gallery: